Drowning in customer security reviews and curious how Conveyor can help? This 30 minute, on-demand demo gives an overview of product functionality, so you can assess if Conveyor can help your customer trust efforts. We'll cover features such as:
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Kyle Taylor : (00:00)
Thanks, Rebecca. I'm going to just share my screen real quick here and walk you through a few slides. I'm excited to take you on a test drive of Conveyor today. Before we get started, my name's Kyle Taylor. I'm a product lead here at Conveyor, and we're excited to have these sessions to just give you an opportunity to have someone from the product team walk you through what we're working on and what we're building. Conveyor really is, it's a trust platform. Our goal is to connect companies on our platform, companies that are exchanging information with each other, or are looking to procure software from another company, we want Conveyor to be the place where they can share trust and make sure that everyone's handling data in a secure way.
Kyle Taylor : (00:59)
A lot of the features we show you today will be the foundation of this trust network that we're building out. We'll cover three things on the demo today. First, we'll talk about how utilizing our product can save you time. The second thing we're going to touch on is how this paradigm that we're going to present to you will help be a more delightful experience for your customers. Sharing and exchanging security artifacts and documentation isn't the funnest thing probably people have ever done, but I think the way that we've streamlined the process makes it a much more enjoyable experience for both sides. Then growing your business. A lot of times people view trust and security and compliance is a cost center of the business. We want to paint a picture on how we can empower you to play a more active role in the sales process, both with prospects who are looking to procure your product, but also current customers who are going through their regular vendor reviews and those renewal deal cycles. Those are the three things we're going to touch on today during the demo.
Kyle Taylor : (02:22)
You're more than welcome to visit our website and sign up for a free account yourself so you can follow along during the demo. Otherwise, after this is over, feel free to visit our website and sign up for a free account there, and you can just poke around and get started. We'd be happy to answer any questions you have as you get started with your free account and run into any issues. I just will plug that there, but from here, I thought we could just jump in to the demo, and please feel free to shoot your questions over and I'll answer those as I go. Then we'll do another session at the end like Rebecca mentioned. I'm going to go ahead and jump over to the product here.
Kyle Taylor : (03:12)
This is Conveyor. The main portion of our product is what we call rooms. As you can see here, this is my room. A room is really a collection of security documents that can be organized into folders or not, but it'll feel pretty familiar. You can add a new folder. You can add new documents. You can also add new documents into folders. That part's pretty straightforward. You can see I've organized it into four folders here. Each of these folders has a few documents in them. What's really cool is you can really fine tune the access to all of these folders and documents. When you create a folder, you can have it be available to anyone who's been approved to access your room, or you can lock that folder down to specific access groups. These access groups can be named whatever you would like. Here are three access groups we have created in this demo environment.
Kyle Taylor : (04:25)
Maybe you create a folder that you only want internal employees to have access to, or maybe you're going to put some security documents in there that you only want a certain tier of customers or a certain subset of customers above maybe a revenue threshold to have of access to. You can set those access groups here, and then only people that are given access to those access groups will be able to see those folders. You can do the same thing on the document level. A document can be available to all users who have access to your room, or you can specify certain access groups that can see that document. This is helpful just because you have a lot of different prospects and a lot of different customers accessing your room. We understand not every prospect is created equal. Some you're more willing to share some more sensitive information with, and access groups allows you to fine tune that. The documents and folders can be sorted either most recently updated or alphabetically. This is especially helpful. Some of our customers have dozens and dozens of documents and this sorting is available on the customer site too, so they can be able to see, okay, what have they updated most recently because I only want to download the most recent documents that have been changed and that's available here.
Kyle Taylor : (05:54)
One thing I wanted to touch on is we talked about access groups, but I want to make it clear that anyone who's given access to your room has to go through our NDA process. Everyone that has access to your room first signs an NDA before they access these security documents. This is important so that you can have the peace of mind to know, okay, everyone who sees these security documents has been gated by an NDA. We've got a couple ways that you can do that. We have a click wrap NDA option, which as someone views your room, a modal pops up and they're not able to view the documents until they click through and sign the NDA that way. We also have integration with DocuSign. Some of our customers use DocuSign for their contracts and this allows them to seamlessly integrate it in into their process.
Kyle Taylor : (06:48)
Another thing I wanted to touch on real quick after the NDA was this ability that we handle watermarking for you. Anytime someone downloads a document, and this is just a sample document here, you can see that it's automatically watermarked with their email address and the timestamp. This is important because it helps discourage distribution of the document. But it's also important because it saves you loads of time. It prevents you from having to do any manual watermarking for customers. All of that's provided automatically by the software. We talked about uploading documents and folders, the NDA, watermarking feature, so how do you invite customers? How do you invite prospects to your room? Well, we provide a couple ways to do that. If you click share room up here, you can see that you're able to invite contacts or a group of contacts directly by their email address. Then they can be given access to additional access groups if you'd like, or they can just be given general access to your room.
Kyle Taylor : (07:58)
The other way that we have to share the room is sharing via a link. Each person who sets up an account is given this unique URL that they can use for people to request access to your room. Now we have some customers who will actually just post this URL on their trust and security page on their marketing website, and people can self-serve, or they can request access to the room directly from the marketing website. Others will give this link to their sales team and throughout the course of a deal cycle the sales team member will share this link and the prospect could then request access us to the room. I'll show you what that looks like.
Kyle Taylor : (08:45)
If someone clicks on that link, they're brought to a page that looks like this. They're able to put in their email address, a brief message about why they would like access to your room, and then you can see, we give them a preview of some of the documents that are not behind access groups. We'll give you a preview of the things that they might have access to once their access is granted or the request is approved. They fill in their email and a brief message. They send the request and then your trust and security team can either grant, approve, or deny access to anyone who requests from this page.
Kyle Taylor : (09:28)
That's how you share your room with others, but what does your room look like when you're looking at it from the customer perspective. In the product, we've got this cool little feature that allows you to preview your room from the customer's perspective. I'm going to go ahead and click that and it'll open a new tab here. You can see that from here I can preview what my room would look like if I was accessing it as a customer. When your customer accesses your room, they're dropped on an overview page. This is a page that is branded for your brand. You can put your logo there. There's a brief description of your company. A little bit more information about who your company is, where their low located, important links. A lot of times our users will put links to maybe their trust and security page on their marketing website, or maybe link off to a sub-processor list that they publish.
Kyle Taylor : (10:31)
People viewing your room can also see which audits and certifications you have quickly at a glance here, a listing of your product offerings. This overview page is really a good first step for someone who's doing a vendor security review to see a little bit more about your company. The second tab here is the shared documents tab. This looks familiar because this is what we are seeing from the administrative side. You can see the folders that I had created here and the documents listed in those folders. If they download the documents, it opens up and they're automatically watermarked like we talked about earlier. They can click through view your documents. They can also quickly search. Maybe they're looking for their SOC 2 report. They can run a quick search here and it pulls it up automatically. This search is really helpful especially for companies that have dozens and dozens of documents in their room. We have a few customers who are very proactive with sharing the security documentation, and so this search helps customers who are viewing the room filter down to what they want to know.
Kyle Taylor : (11:44)
If they don't find something that they were hoping to see in your room, they can actually go ahead and recommend a document or request a document here. This is helpful. Sometimes the documents they request are available, they're just hidden behind access groups, and then you can grant them access or choose not to. Maybe the document isn't in your room, and this provides some good feedback into the kind of things that people are hoping to see. You might make some adjustments to what you have uploaded and add some of the documents. This is what it looks like from the customer view.
Kyle Taylor : (12:20)
Let's jump back to the administrative view and I want to talk about the next feature. We're going to jump out of my room right now, and we're actually going to talk about the knowledge base. The knowledge base really is a repository of questions and answers that you oftentimes get throughout the course of a security review from your prospects or from your customers. Some customers aren't satisfied with only security documents alone. Sometimes they'll send you a questionnaire, and this is why we have the knowledge base here. You can browse through the knowledge base. You can see that each question is assigned a curator, and that curator is in charge of keeping this knowledge base item up to date. Joe Media Corps here is the curator for this question. Every three months he's going to need to reverify that this is the correct answer or edit the answer to make sure that it's the most up to date and most accurate. We allow internal conversation. We allow employees to watch certain questions that they might be interested in if their adjustments are made or if the answer changes. That's the internal knowledge base.
Kyle Taylor : (13:45)
We allow you to quickly search and this uses some machine learning and natural language processing to find the right answers from your knowledge base. You can search. It will recommend results, give you a scoring system of how relevant those results are. What's interesting is it also pulls in from your documents as well. You might be filling out a security questionnaire, copying, pasting those questions into the search box, and it will find you matches either from your knowledge base or through your security documents. You can use those answers to copy over and fill out the questionnaire. This is a tool that you can utilize internally when you're filling out questionnaires on behalf of customers. But one thing that I wanted to make sure we touched on, because this is, in my mind, the most powerful part of the knowledge base here, is this ability to publish knowledge-base questions and answers to your room.
Kyle Taylor : (14:58)
Our belief is that if you are proactive about sharing information about your security posture with prospects, you're actually going to decrease the amount of time that you spend filling out these custom questionnaires or fielding questions from companies. Not only do we allow you to use the knowledge base to search internally, we allow you to publish it to your room so that people can self-serve answers from your knowledge base. What we've found is that allowing prospects to do this is it saves your team time because they're not asking you those questions directly. They're able to find the answers for themselves. The whole point of our product here isn't to make you really good at answering questionnaires. The point of our product is to hopefully prevent as many of those questionnaires as we can, and at the end of the day, if there are a few that still come through, you've got this internal knowledge base tool to help you fill those out.
Kyle Taylor : (16:09)
How does the customer facing knowledge base look? Well, let's go back to this room's preview and check it out real quick. We went through the overview tab before. We talked about the shared documents tab. There's actually this questions and answers tab, and all of these questions are items from my knowledge base that I've published to my room. What's really cool is they can search for keywords or phrases and they're taken to that portion of the knowledge base. They can expand these, find the answers that they're looking for, and your answers can also attach references to relevant documents. Because we touch on data encryption and the SOC 2 report, you can attach that as a reference, and that's just helpful for people to be able to read your answer, but also see supporting documentation to support it.
Kyle Taylor : (17:10)
They can go through the knowledge base, search through, and they can actually star are the questions that are most important to them. What's really great is after they've gone through and favorited some questions, starred the questions, they can actually self-serve their own questionnaire. They can export this as a CSV, and it will export all the questions that they've starred. They can take that and store it in their third-party risk management software or wherever they're doing their security review, and they can self-serve their own questionnaire. This prevents them from putting the burden on you and allows them to find the answers that they are looking for.
Kyle Taylor : (17:56)
Let's jump back to the administrative view. All of this is great. It seems like it saves time, but what's really cool is we allow you to see insights into how people are interacting with your room. The goal here is just to help you get better and better in administering your security program and building customer trust. If you come here to the dashboard, you can see which of your documents have been downloaded, how many times, when the most recent download is, and you can start to get a picture of which documents are most important to people who are reviewing you as a vendor. You can see which customers have come in and downloaded documents, who are the customers that are most accessing your room or utilizing it.
Kyle Taylor : (18:49)
We also have a Salesforce integration. I talked about, a little earlier, how trust and security has really been viewed at as a cost center. This integration's really cool because it allows us to tie people who access your room to closed one deals in your pipeline and get a sense of how much revenue am I influencing with our room and with our customer trust program. There's a few charts here that you can get a sense of what your team's impact is to revenue. This dashboard view is great for a big picture look into metrics and data on your room, but we also allow you to dive in connection by connection level so you can see all the companies that you've invited to your room, how many people at that company have access to your room.
Kyle Taylor : (19:49)
Then what have they done? Have they downloaded a doc? Have they viewed an item from your knowledge base? Have they downloaded their own questionnaire? When were they last active? This is helpful. I'm sure as a customer trust professional, you're constantly being hit up from your sales team with questions like, "Hey, this deal's stalling. Have they accessed the room? Have they downloaded docs? Which docs have they downloaded?" This allows you to see high-level insights, and then it also allows you to see very specific insights into how a connection is interacting with your security documentation. It tracks any time a document was downloaded, anytime an item from your knowledge base was expanded and what that item was. There's a complete log of all these across that entire connection. You can see here this timeline, a timeline of my interactions with this company from a trust and security perspective.
Kyle Taylor : (20:52)
Our goal here really is to make an easy place for you to compile and share your security documentation, and portions of your knowledge base with prospects and customers, and it's also to help you see insight into how they're interacting with that so you can make smart decisions about your trust and security program at your company. I'm just going to go ahead and pause there and make sure I'm viewing the chat to see if we have any Q and A. That's the demo. I'll open it up to questions now. Happy to answer any of those.
Rebecca Mendenhall: (21:35)
Awesome. Thanks Kyle. We did get one question as you were going, but I didn't want to interrupt you. I wrote it down. The question was actually around do we offer free trials, or POCs, or how can people get started with the product?
Kyle Taylor : (21:56)
Yeah, that's a great question. We don't offer traditional free trials because we actually offer the ability for you to come to our website and just try the product for free. There's a free tier of our product that you could use forever. There are certain things that are locked for paid tiers. In the free tier, you can upload documents. You can use the click wrap NDA option, and all of your documents will have a Conveyor watermark at the bottom as part of the free tier. But once you move into a paid tier, then you can also add the DocuSign integration. You can use the knowledge base, and that watermark is removed from your documents, as well as you then have the ability to do more complex things with access groups and maintaining access to your room that way. Like I said, you could go to our website today, fire up a free account, start sharing some security documents with your prospects for free. That goes for now and forever with that free tier.
Kyle Taylor : (23:11)
Yeah, start with a free tier. If you like what you see, you can talk to us about upgrading to get some of those other paid features, but that's how we handle a free trial.
Rebecca Mendenhall: (23:24)
Okay. Perfect. The other question was around, you showed some of the capabilities for publishing knowledge-based questions and then self-serve. The question was, do people actually self-serve or do the vendors just continue to respond to those questionnaires?
Kyle Taylor : (23:41)
Yeah, that's a great question. If you give people the ability to self-serve, is it actually going to save you time? The truth is, for some customers and prospects, they're going to require you to do the effort. They're going to send you the custom questionnaire and insist that you fill it out. We've seen that a lot of people when given the option to self serve, they prefer that because then they are no longer the bottleneck to the vendor review process. They can get the information they need as quick as they're willing to put in the effort to do so. They don't have to wait on the other party to provide answers to a custom questionnaire. We've seen several people come into our room, spend half an hour reading through the security documents, looking through the knowledge base high, starring questions that they want to then export, and self-serving a questionnaire that way. We have seen it be very useful.
Kyle Taylor : (24:47)
We're going to continue to expand that part of our product, so we hope to drive even more adoption of some of the self-serve features. Yeah, we've seen a lot of exciting signal that people are willing to self-serve when given the option.
Rebecca Mendenhall: (25:04)
Being on the marketing team, I can understand that. There is a vendor right now that we've been waiting weeks to get introduced to the security team to answer some of our questions. If it was just published on the website, we could look it up, give it to our security team, and like job done.
Kyle Taylor : (25:18)
Yeah, exactly.
Rebecca Mendenhall: (25:21)
Awesome. Okay. I think those were all of the questions that we got from the audience today. Thank you, Kyle, so much for taking us through that demo. Everyone who is on the call today, we will send you a follow-up link with the recording of this demo so that you can sign up on the website. As Kyle said, it's completely free to get started. Most of the functionality that he demoed is actually available in that free tier, so we'll send you that later this afternoon. We are running another one of these in two weeks, so if you want to come back, we switch up the content all the time. If you have had the opportunity to play around with the product, you can always come back in a couple of weeks and ask questions about additional functionality that maybe we didn't cover.
Rebecca Mendenhall: (26:06)
Then keep an eye out for some interesting information coming up from us. Later today, we're going to be announcing some more interesting stuff with their Salesforce connection and integration and what that can do for security teams. Thank you all so much for joining us, and we hope you have a great rest of the week. Take care.
Kyle Taylor : (26:22)
Awesome. Thanks everyone.